Dr. Andreas C. Köchling
Managing Partner
+ Dr. phil. and Diploma in Psychology (Diplom-Psychologe), Technical University Darmstadt. Systemic Management Coach, Systemic Team Developer and wingwave Coach.
+ 14 years in executive HR positions at leading companies in industries such as audit, tax, legal and management consultancy, financial services and telecommunications with international and global remits. Previously two years project lead for an international HR consultancy.
+ Filling executive and expert positions, predominantly in financial and professional services as well as healthcare. Concept development and implementation of assessment centres and management audits. Coaching and development of executives, teams and organisations. Career and outplacement consultancy.
+ Publications and presentations in the fields of staff selection, HR marketing and recruiting.

Dr. Hans-Günter Hofmann
+ Dr. oec. HSG (Business administration), graduate of University of St. Gallen.
+ Management Consultant for a leading Swiss consultancy in the fields of finance and accounting, organisation, planning and IT across Europe. Founder of VfU-Unternehmens- und Personalberatung AG, Zurich.
+ Focus on the systematic search and selection of executives and specialists for banks/financial institutions, retail and service companies as well as the electrical and electronics industry. Coaching of supervisory boards, executive boards and general management as well as consultancy in succession planning and structural issues.

Dr. Robert Heinrich
Senior Advisor
+ Diploma in Industrial Engineering (Diplom-Wirtschaftsingenieur),
Technical University Darmstadt. Certified Public Accountant (WP),
Tax Advisor (StB), Certified Information Systems Auditor, Certified
Internal Auditor.
+ More than 30 years management, consulting and project experience at
leading companies and non-profit organizations in the financial services
and IT sectors, amongst others as Partner and Leader Advisory Services
DACH of a Big Four Accounting Firm.
+ Business consulting and filling of executive and specialist positions,
predominantly in the audit related services, audit & tax consulting, digital transformation, IT audit &
compliance, performance management and risk consulting sectors.
+ Also active in the academic field as a lecturer.

Lydia Böhm
Senior Consultant
+ Business administration graduate, Bachelor of Banking Services (Bankfachwirt) and qualified bank clerk (Bankkauffrau), Systemic Coach, Business Mediator and NLP Practitioner.
+ Many years of management and sales experience in major international banks, manager for strategy and integration projects, expert for strategic sales management concepts.
+ Individual consultancy on personal development strategies, moderation for team development, training on strategies for conflict resolution.
+ Active in various business networks.

Dr. Heike Rompelberg
Senior Consultant
+ Dr. rer. pol. and degree in business administration (Diplom-Kauffrau) of the University of Cologne. Certified Coach, Systemic Process Manager, certified MBTI/GPOP Consultant, curricular Hakomi training.
+ Consultant and project lead in a management consultancy with a focus on personnel management, head of HR in medium-sized service companies, freelance consultant, coach and trainer.
+ Coaching of specialists and executives, outplacement consulting, assessment of professional situation and personality development, assessment and development centre, analyses of potentials, management audits, employee surveys, 360° feedbacks, team development, workshops for example on how to conduct staff appraisals (various topics) and on the optimisation of interviews.

Sara Vandevelde
Junior Consultant
+ Social pedagogy (B.A.), Social Sciences (M.A.), currently studying business administration (B.A.).
+ Professional experience in the transport and logistics industry as well as in construction with the topics of executive development programmes, employee surveys, assessment of potential, recruiting and project management.
+ Profound knowledge in the subject areas conflict management, intervention, health promotion and prevention.
+ Research management and tutoring with a focus on deviance, socialisation and career motivation.
+ Self-employed trainer for social media competence.