Every personnel decision bears a certain element of risk. Is the candidate a good fit for the position? Do your top talents work in the right roles? We have developed assessments and management audits which we can implement to reduce this risk significantly and provide you with a solid foundation for informed and good decisions.
Those assessments and management audits can for example be used for filling positions with external or internal candidates, executive development, talent and succession management, benchmarking and in the context of takeovers/mergers and reorganisation.
First we will discuss and define with you the objectives and the relevant requirements. Then we’ll suggest suitable procedures and methods (such as structured interviews, group discussions, role plays, case studies, in-tray exercises, presentation tasks and psychological tests), define the observation and evaluation criteria and train the assessors if required. During the entire process we will involve you and other decision makers and specialists from your company in order to combine the external point of view with company-specific expertise. Afterwards you will receive an easy-to-understand report from us on the results including clear recommendations. This way we enable you to gain a comprehensive and objective overview of the strengths, weaknesses and development potential of the candidates providing a solid base for your decision and making it transparent and plausible.
Our assessments and management audits are available for groups as well as for individuals.